Friday, September 26, 2008

Pierre-Auguste Cot spring painting

Pierre-Auguste Cot spring paintingWilliam Bouguereau the first kiss paintingClaude Monet Water Lily Pond painting
The Commissar confirmed that he had received instructions.
“I suggest we send the Kanyis.”
“He say, why de Kanyis?”
“Because they make most sense.”
“Pardon me?”
“Because they seem the most responsible pair.”
“De Commissar says, responsible for what?”
“They are the best able to put their case sensibly.”
A long discussion followed between the Commissar and Bakic. “He won’t send de Kanyis.”
“Why not?”
“Kanyi got plenty work with de dynamo.”
So another pair was chosen and sent to Bari, the grocer and the lawyer who had first called on him. Major Gordon saw them off. They seemed stupefied and sat huddled among bundles and blankets on the airfield during the long wait. Only when the aeroplane was

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Pierre-Auguste Cot spring painting