Monday, May 11, 2009

Wassily Kandinsky Dominant Curve

Wassily Kandinsky Dominant CurveWassily Kandinsky Several CirclesWassily Kandinsky Composition VIII
put his foot down and that was the end of it. He was about the only one who could argue with the Master, your dad. You'd have been about four then, I think.'
Susan raised her in her head.
'I remember about that bathroom now,' she said. 'It's all coming back to me.'
'Nah, it never went away. It just got papered over.'
'He was no good at plumbing. What does Y M R‑C‑I‑G‑B‑S A, A­M mean?'
'Young Men's Reformed‑Cultists‑of‑the‑Ichor‑God‑Bel­Shamharoth Association, Ankh‑Morpork,' said Albert. 'It's where I stay if I have to go back down for anything. Soap and suchlike.'hand thoughtfully and touched the pale lines on her cheek.'The Master said they were raising you according to,' Albert sneered, 'modern methods. Logic. And thinking old stuff is silly. I dunno . . . I suppose they wanted to keep you away from . . . ideas like this . . .''I was given a ride on the horse,' said Susan, not listening to him. ' I had a bath in the big bathroom.''Soap all over the place,' said Albert. His face contorted into something approaching a smile. 'I could hear the Master laughing from here. And he made you a swing, too. Tried to, anyway. No magic or anything. With his actual hands.'Susan sat while memories woke and yawned and unfolded

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